Together with some colleagues we started the endeavor “” to build a browsergame called “Socal War” in 2012 and 2013. The game never left pre-production, but we managed to gain some insights at professional game development by participating at “Browser Games Forum 2011” (now “Berlin Games Forum”), visiting Travian Games in Munich and pitching our game idea at “Gründerzeit Baden-Württemberg 2012”.
This is the original “about” text for the blog:
You fight the entire time with the question: Who are the “Netzkämpfer”?
The “Netzkämpfer” core team consists of Konny, Björn and Andre, three experienced Technical & Business Consultants. We fight for a better world in the web, with the overall target to create attractive web-contents. The embodiment of this target knows no bounds. We design everything and hence have a wide range of genres in our portfolio. Tailor-made, individual e-commerce solutions or innovative browsergame concepts; you name it!
With this internet appearance and our web applications we try to undertake the necessary next steps for our business formation. We want to build a development studio, that fights for excellent applications for the web.
Social War
Social War in 20 seconds
More than one billion people in the world use social networks. They share messages, pictures and videos with other people, distribute or consume them. Rivalries from real life are thereby transfered in the virtual world. Who has the most friends? Who gets more messages? Who has the biggest influence on a discussion? Social War gives the user a platform to find the final answer to these questions.
Inspired by the huge growth of the online-gaming market we developed the concept for the browsergame “Social War”. It combines the dynamics of social networks with proven concepts of roleplaying and strategy games and leads to an unique gaming experience. The interactions in social media in terms of messages, pictures and videos are collected and supplied as resources for the gamer. The gamer can use these resources to develop his game-character, learn new abilities and compete against his friends. Over the course of the game he can integrate additional social media and expand them to increase his resource earnings. For special virtual goods or premium goods and services the gamer needs “Social Dollar”, that can be bought with real currency.